An amazing year came to an end this last friday as the IMSD 2009-2010 master at EOI Business School in Madrid drew a closure. Being one the participants myself, I can only thank all my classmates for the fantastic experiences we've lived together. It's been such an honor to share a moment of my life with such extraordinary individuals. The light I've received from all of you guys has profoundly inspired the inner me, giving my spirit the final push it needed to reach for my dreams. No need to worry however my friends, this is no end whatsoever but just another step in the path of life: the beginning of a beautiful story together, a story … about love ;-)
For all of you, here go these last few words. For all you ... Javi, Laura, Maria I., Liz, Claudia, Patrick, Maria G., Helene, Heidi, Aicha, Irene, Ollie, Aurore, Jô, Fra, Erica, Ceci, Espe and Eva ... here goes my heart, all of it ;-)
“Sisters and brothers,
It's been an amazing journey together. During the course of the past year, I've had the pleasure to experience some of the best moments of my life with you guys. We have overcome obstacles together. We have traveled to far away cities (like Barcelona) and slept in precarious conditions driven by our curiosity. We have shared our cultures and personal stories without expecting anything in return. We've learned from one another. We've cared for one another. We have seen the world in its current state and promised ourselves that things will be different, that we will be the seeds of change that our planet and our people need in us.
Now, time has come for us, to go out there and deliver what we've got inside of us, and show the world that through peace and love every dream can be fulfilled.
Now, time has come for us, to continue our paths in life. We may end up in distant countries, working in different fields. But we will always navigate together, under the same flag -humanity's-, pursuing the same mission -our kids-. Because there is only one planet as one life there is. Because it does not belong to us but to them (pointing at the little guy inside Maria). Cause this, this is our land. And this, this is our duty. To preserve this beauty for them to enjoy it.
But before parting ways, let me spare a moment with you guys, to thank you, from the bottom of my heart. To thank you, for the way you are. To thank you, for all the inspiration I have drawn from all of you, from all your personal stories. Stories of courage, effort and sacrifice for the sake of your dreams. And thanks God we have dreamers like you in this world. But above all, stories of human beings filled with love, lots of love. Now, and forever, you are part of me. Wherever I go, whatever I do, you will be with me, I'll be with you.
But let me take another moment, to apologize. To apologize to all of you who may have felt offended by my behavior, which has been, at times I must admit, not so correct. But don't get me wrong guys, please, please. The things that I say, the things that I do, I do them from the heart. From the potato. From this big potato right here that some times, sort of betrays me and makes me do some crazy stuff. Forgive me guys, forgive me for what I've done, forgive me for what I'm gonna do ... because this is me, this is how I am and this is how I have to be. I acknowledge my mistakes however (the ton of them I commit every single day) and you have my word, that I'm gonna work, as hard I can, to avoid them from happening again, and hopefully, improve myself and the world around me as a result. With the help of all of you guys. Because I need you. My life wouldn't make any sense without you.
To conclude ... No, I'll not say “yes we can”. I'll say YES WE ARE. Because we are the generation that WILL make this happen.
No, I'll not say goodbye, I'll say “les grands esprits se rencontrent” (Ollie, could you please translate?)
In life, you get to see everybody at least twice, and I've only seen you once, so stay alive, and I will find you.
In the meantime, every 1.2 seconds, when my heart beats, it will be ........ because of YOU.
Go, enjoy, give, live, LOVE.
And now, for those of you who might leave Spain soon, I'd like to offer you a souvenir from this beautiful country. This, is the best Spanish song ever. Every time I listen to it ... I feel alive.
Dedicated to ALL OF YOU:
Al Cantar (Platero y Tú)
Al cantar, me puedo olvidar
de todos los malos momentos,
convertir en virtud defectos.
de todos los malos momentos,
convertir en virtud defectos.
Desterrar la vulgaridad
aunque solo sea un momento
y sentir que no estamos muertos.
No es placer, es necesidad
es viento, es lluvia, es fuego
derramar todos mis secretos.
Y busqué en el fondo del mar,
en las montañas y en el cielo
la manera de hacer realidad mis sueños.
Encontré en el corazón
el mapa de los sentimientos
ya lo ves, no estaba tan lejos.
ya lo ves, no estaba tan lejos.
No es placer, es necesidad
es viento, es lluvia, es fuego
derramar todos mis secretos.
Esnifar los rayos del sol
y descongelar el cerebro
y sentir que no estamos muertos
y sentir que no estamos muertos
y sentir que no estamos muertos
y sentir que no estamos muertos
y sentir que no estamos muertos
aunque solo sea un momento
y sentir que no estamos muertos
reclamando todos mis secretos
y sentir que no estamos muertos.
Y sentir que no estamos muertos!!”